Travel - Nature - Close up - Black & White - Fine Art - "My Antique"

Monday 25 June 2012

Wild brown bear

After many hours of waiting I was lucky to get this bear in front of me. When you have never seen a bear in real life and I don't mean in a zoo, it's so impressive. They are just huge. The most surprising is that they don't make a single sound when they walk. So big and not a sound...

Saturday 23 June 2012

Sea view

Fjords. Not that bad looking...

There are many different kind of fjords. The Norwegians even manage to build some cities inside them. When you see them for the first time, you are like: what?! Ă…lesund is such a place!

Atlantic road

To drive the Atlantic Road in Norway is a real adventure. Just amazing...What a road. It's connecting
different islands with the main land. Need to go back here in the summer...